
Los Angeles, United States
Welcome to my blog. Running out of time is about sharing all things beautiful. Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists expires. Life is too short, so let's start writing.

April 22, 2010

The Dream of The Dolphin.

This Earth Day don't sit around and do nothing to help change the environment. Do something!
Wait, don't get up. Stay right here. Because I found seven ways you can help out Mother Earth from right where you are: online on your laptop. And you don't even have to go outside! That's right. No one said the words lazy and worthless are two words that always have to go together. Let's be lazy and proactive! It can happen!
But don't thank me yet. After the jump, check out these handy ways to help out on Earth Day and see if you want to help. All it takes to participate is a few handy clicks!

1. Plant a Tree: You probably can't see a tree from where you're sitting, but that doesn't matter. Plant a tree with the power of technology. Why not? It only costs a dollar, can help relieve all that guilt you have from being stuck in front of the computer all day, and it helps the environment.

2. Go Vegetarian: You're not going anywhere, so why not spend some time online reading about the benefits of going veg instead of playing Farmville on Facebook? Going vegetarian can help our planet, and while you're doing nothing, you might as well read up on it.
3. Download Earth-Friendly iPhone Apps: If you're sitting there loving the internet and technology, you probably have an iPhone. And that means you can download some free apps so you find out more about what's good for the environment right from your cell! If it's free and you can brag to your mates about how you're contributing to save the environment, then why not?

4. Buy Florescent Bulbs: I know it seems like a small step. But think about how many lights you use at night. Florescent bulbs save you money as well as saving the world. It's a little change, but an easy one. So order yourself some new ones and start changing things.
5. Watch Environmentally-Centered Documentaries Online: You can watch them on NetFlix if you've got it. Watching these free movies is not only entertaining, you might just learn something new about our planet. You'll gain some new insight on subjects right from your computer.
6. Figure Out Your Local Market: Check out your local farmer's markets and what's in season. When you're finally ready to get off the couch, you'll know exactly where you're going. Shopping local is a great way to support your community and the planet.
7. Turn off your computer when you're done: Or donate it to charity. Because let's be honest; you should feel pretty bad about being so lazy. Either way, I hope to have inspired you in this post and wanted to throw that option out there just in case.
Whatever you do, celebrate Earth Day by doing something. Small or large, it doesn't matter. Let's just do it, even if it's just from our computer. Life is too short, so let's start living.

In every colour there's the light, In every stone sleeps a crystal. Remember the shaman, when he used to say: "man is the dream of the dolphin" - Enigma.

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