
Los Angeles, United States
Welcome to my blog. Running out of time is about sharing all things beautiful. Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists expires. Life is too short, so let's start writing.

July 18, 2010

In The Shadow, In The Light.

I have always been a night owl, preferring to stay up until all hours of the night and sleeping late when my schedule allows me to. It's not that I'm lazy. I'm liable to do far more work in the hours I am awake than many people are during sleep. In fact, part of why I love the night so much is that it offers peace and quiet which allows me to concentrate and get more done. Nonetheless, my mother would always misunderstand this aspect of me and believed that I am not really doing anything productive during those later hours. Nothing could be further from the truth, ma. 

Perhaps this is why I have a weird fixation with owls. Especially when it comes to Jewelry, mainly rings. 

Here are some of my favourites.

Do you have a bizarre obsession with owls? Want to get your hands on every single thing that is owl related? Look no further readers, you are going to love this blog.

Rings are definitely my statement piece. Whether I am in the shadow or in the light, I enjoy feeding my fingers, one ring at a time.

I love everything about Tarina Tarantino.

Right Hand:
Tarina Tarantino - Barbie Collection
Forever 21 - Early Morning Portrait
Tarina Tarantino - Cameo Collection
Tarina Tarantio - I Love/Hate You Collection

Left Hand;
Anutu Jewelry - Black Rhinestone Buckle
Goodwill - Six Petal Flower
Goodwill - Fierce Cat
Chanel - Vintage Collection
Freedom by Topshop - Multi Coloured Parrot

July 17, 2010

Invisible Love.

Her name is Jeanne Bauer and she is the creator of Anu Jewelry. From intricate little designs to bold mind blowing patterns, Bauer's love for vintage jewelry is hands down a masterpiece. Her eye and soul bring out the femininity in all her pieces juxtaposed with badass edge. Her art is "one of a kind." Bauer is not afraid to take risks, each of her designs carry personality, and when you wear them, you'll understand what this means. They hold wisdom and they are definitely beyond the norm.

Jeanne Bauer - Self Portrait.

Her creations are as delicate as her soul. You don't dare mess with either. She is an absolute gem and her fascinating ora leaks into her work. As soon as your skin encounters the precious detailed craftsmanship of such intriguing pieces, one will encounter invisible love.

Here are some of my absolute favourites;

A vintage silver owl pendant with vintage silver caps on a faceted onyx bead and vintage silver tassel on a strand of faceted onyx separated by sterling silver twisted spacers

Vintage double linked with a vintage silver and pearl hand carved pendant. completed with a vintage silver clasp with a small cross drop.

A short strand of oblong faceted onyx beads with vintage gold caps, vintage gold hand carved beads and vintage gold and rhinestone spacers.

After a huge success with Anu the talented designer has taken things to the next level. While maintaining the same quality and equivalent details this line (a little less pricey) targets a wider audience that still wants the cutting edge feeling that is hard to find around town. Due to this high demand her second baby, Anutu Jewelry, was born. In this creation both Men's and Women's designs are available for order online. 

Large Sterling Silver Fleur de Lis on Large White Pearls, Hand Carved Sterling Silver Spacers & Bead Caps, & a Sterling Silver Clasp with a Pearl Drop in Back.

Light Weight Sterling Silver Crest Key on Four Layers of Sterling Silver Curb Chain with Sterling Silver Floral Connectors & Hook Clasp & a Sterling Silver Heart & Key Drop in Back.

Solid Sterling Silver Intricately Detailed Cuff Bracelet with a Floral Hidden Clasp.

14 Layers of Sterling Silver Disc Chain on a Beautiful Sterling Silver Clasp with Strand of Rolo Chain & Sterling Silver Drop in Back.

Fancy getting a little more personal? Private appointments at her West Los Angeles studio are available. These one on one sessions provide a fantastic experience. I can attest to that first hand. Bauer will take you on a tour of incredible adventure filled with delightful stories about her amazing encounters. You are definitely in for a treat.

The beauty of working with vintage materials is in the history. Imagine where this piece has been, whose hands it has touched and what stories it could tell - Jeanne Bauer

July 16, 2010

Callas Went Away.

I'm not really a shoe kinda girl. I mean I love shoes, any kind of shoes actually. Never the less, I don't own many. Forty is definitely not too much.

However, when it comes to boots.. let's stop right there. I could live in boots.. well writing this while its 100f outside... perhaps not. But you get the drift.

Vintage cowboy boots circa 1950's by Shareens Vintage.

These boots can be worn 3 different ways. I love them. Purchased at London's Camden Market.

If you're a boot lover like me, you're going to thank me later. Solestruck is a fantastic website that won't break your bank account. Jeffrey Campbell along with other hip designers display their amazing collection and I can't wait to get my hands on them.


My favourite Jeffrey Campbell designs;






July 6, 2010

Beyond The Invisible.

Yesterday I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, a colourful store and energetic personality. As I sipped on my coffee while watching the ocean during my lunch break I came to realize that finally I get to do what I really want to do. What a brilliant feeling. Change, fear, the unknown.. they are all not so bad.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Do what you love.” The idea that we can and should do what we love doing in our work, and that we should choose experiences that make us feel good in life, was a pretty unconventional idea 20 years ago. These days, however, it’s an ideal that most of us believe in and want to live by. So then why aren’t we all doing what we love? Why aren’t we all following our passion?

Do you know what you love? One of the challenges of our internet-savvy generation is that we have access to lifestyle models and opportunities all over the world. We’ve got an abundance of choices available to us, and this can lead to being overwhelmed and a habit of questioning whatever we have and wondering whether the grass is greener on the other side. And of course we still have social pressure from our families and peers who place their expectations on us. For example, encouraging you that a Business Law degree will get you much further in life than a Fashion Degree (wish I could erase and rewind).

The idea of doing what you love is of no use to you if you’re unsure what you want and love. And nobody else can tell you what you love – the whole point of doing what you love is that you’re doing what YOU love, rather than the things other people tell you you should love. But while you can’t learn what you love from other people, you can learn how to meet your true self and discover what you love for yourself. There are lots of ways to discover what you love, and one of the most unexpected routes to discovering what you love is through your fear, going beyond the invisible. (I am perfectly aware I have used the word 'love' ten times).

Fear feels horrible, and we tend to code experiences that feel horrible as “bad,” and then we try to avoid those “bad” experiences that we’re afraid of. Avoidance is a great strategy when the experience really is an actual threat to us, but most of what we spend our time being afraid of these days doesn’t pose any real threat to us, and might even be really good for us – and then we miss out on the good stuff when we avoid it.

You see, we’re wired to feel fear whenever we’re stepping into unfamiliar territory, because fear helps us to stay alert and pay more attention in unfamiliar situations. So we need to recognize that fear doesn’t always mean that there’s an actual threat and that we need to get away from the thing that’s triggering our fear. Sometimes fear means that we’re entering new territory and learning, growing and thriving. Sometimes our fear is pointing us to exactly what’s most important to us and what we love most, in amongst the myriad of different demands and opportunities presenting themselves to us.
When something is important to us, it matters to us how it turns out. The more important that thing is to us, the more fear we’re likely to feel about it – because our heart is in it and we care deeply about it. If it wasn’t important to you, you wouldn’t worry about how it turned out.

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude - Maya Angelou.