
Los Angeles, United States
Welcome to my blog. Running out of time is about sharing all things beautiful. Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists expires. Life is too short, so let's start writing.

March 14, 2010

The Screen Behind The Mirror.

Today we spring forward and skip sixty minutes of our life. As the days get longer and temperatures begin to climb, off go the jumpers and boots and on go the short shorts and flip flops.  But while our spirit may be singing the praises of spring, it's also likely that our skin is still crying out with the winter blues.

I never had spots as a teenager so when I started breaking out severely five months ago, I was completely clueless on why this was happening to me now. Due to this, I started an obsessive relationship with my skin. For moderate acne to appear during adult age is definitely frustrating but after tons of research it seems like the main cause of this is hormonal imbalance, environmental changes and hands down - stress. Sine I have accumulated all this research and have been going through this I wanted to share my opinions and suggestions with the ladies who are going through a similar situation.

So.... It's time to spring into better skin, first thing first - skin detox.

Our skin reflects our lifestyle and diet choices. It's just as essential to cleanse from the inside by reducing internal impurities. I stumbled across this fantastic tea at Whole Foods while spending my whole paycheque. There are sixteen tea bags in each box and it's roughly $5 each, well worth it. It's great to find something that tastes absolutely amazing that is also very good for you. I'm a die hard tea fan, c'mon I'm British. PG Tips, please forgive for saying this and abandoning you in the back of my cupboard, but I swear by this tea and you will too. Here are the reviews.

There are so many skin lines out there that you get overwhelmed. After spending hundreds of my hard earned dollars experimenting on various products, I have to say my favourites are Dermalogica and Dr. Murad.

This should explain how loyal I am.

Need a facial? Dermalogica on Montana is the place to go. I highly recommend my esthetician Michelle, she is lovely and knows all the bits and bobs about the line. You can also pop in for what they call 'skin mapping' that separates your face into 14 different areas. Each area is approached as a unique space with specified needs, whereas an ordinary approach would be treating all of your skin the same.

Lush is also one of my faves. They have brilliant stuff from solid perfume to hair products. Their products are made by organic fruits and vegetables, essential oils and safe synthetics. All made fresh by hand. So very lush indeed.

Love Lettuce and Cosmetic Warrior are the best in my collection, add some Vitamin E in your daily life and you're pretty much good to go.

Just four days ago I was introduced to Retin-A. In the short amount of time I have used it, I definitely see a change. Just don't get too excited and apply it under your eyes and chin like I did. It will flake and burn severely.

The best way to fight problem skin is not stressing over it, and I find that very hard to say but it's a fact. Make sure to cleanse, tone, moisturize daily and exfoliate at least twice a week. It's been a long journey but I've definitely learned how to be comfortable in my own skin.

Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only - Samuel Butler.

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