
Los Angeles, United States
Welcome to my blog. Running out of time is about sharing all things beautiful. Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists expires. Life is too short, so let's start writing.

February 28, 2010

Between Mind and Heart.

Have you ever asked yourself “How do I start a yoga practice?”. 

It can be daunting or intimidating just thinking about the possibility you might be lead into getting your leg stretched behind your head.  I’ve been there.  The feeling of walking into a class with 30 die hard yogis who proceed to pull out their Mandukas, lay their water bottles down, and start warming up in ways you could never manage can make anyone new to practice a little queasy.  But it doesn’t have to feel this way at all. Start where you are. That’s really the only option you have. Actually in yoga I believe we are never advanced, we always come to the mat beginning something new. Our practice evolves every day and each time we come to the mat, the pose brings us to another place.

Want to make your asana session more enjoyable and more beneficial? Then you must relax as you practice. Whether you do yoga for exercise, to relieve stress or both you'll get more out of it if you relax. Don't stress about how stiff you are and don't strain to get into a pose, just do your best and most importantly enjoy it. If you're always thinking about where you ''should'' be, you'll miss what's going on in your body at that exact moment. I'm still not as flexible as I should be, I can't do a cartwheel, I can't do a handstand in the centre of my mat and certainly I have no intention of trying the splits again. Yet, I am focused, I let my mind and my breath do the work, my body automatically follows. 

So... Instead of worrying about how inflexible you are, just notice your tight spots. Watch your breath, notice how it affects your body and let it help you open and release into the pose. Observe your mind, make sure it is focused on the pose and the breath. Don't let it bully you into pushing too far. Gradually you'll be able to hold the pose longer and extend your boundaries.  While contracting certain muscles, relax those that don't need to work. Don't hold unnecessary tension in your face or jaw, in your neck or shoulders. This tension blocks the flow of energy in the body that yoga is designed to enhance. Practicing yoga will be the beginning of a very new experience - breathing your way through life. Your injuries will subside, your mental clarity will tremendously improve and life will feel new again.

How to start a yoga practice:

- Choose a studio or a class - Every studio has its own culture, vision and style of practice.  Try out as many places as it takes to find the one that you feel most comfortable and meets your desires.  You may want to try Kundalini, Ashtanga, Hatha, Hot Yoga or Iyengar style.  Try different ones, and you will know which one you resonate best with.

- Buy a beginners level DVD - This is one way you can practice on your own time, and this can also accommodate your particular schedule.  I strongly believe having a good teacher in a reputable yoga studio cannot be replaced , at least in the beginning stages.  So supplement the yoga studio classes with a few DVD's.  Variety also brings freshness to your practice and growth. 

- Less is more – I can’t stress this enough. I still find myself having to pull back from overdoing the pose. You end up compromising alignment, and the whole benefit of the pose.  As Yoda said to the young Jedi in Empire Strikes Back  “You must unlearn what you have learned”. So unlearn, listen to your body. Breathe!! The breath is much more important than twisting your head 180 degrees.  Step back, and feel what is happening throughout the whole pose.  Forget about the finish line.

- Talk to your Teachers - You will be surprised how willing yoga instructors are to spend time with you after class. You will begin to cultivate wonderful relationships with them.  If you become a regular to their class its almost inevitable that a distinct type of connection develops between you both.

-Treat yourself to an outfit - Why not make it fun and dress up during class. Juicy's ''Down Dog Couture'' is brilliant and will not break the bank.

For me, yoga is not just a workout, it's about working on myself. Namaste.

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